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Seeking intensive training in Motivational Interviewing?

by | Jun 22, 2023 | Motivational Interviewing

Seeking intensive training in Motivational Interviewing?

Did you know there is no such thing as being certified in Motivational Interviewing?

Yup! No such thing! But we have created a comprehensive program in MI learning where participants earn a Certificate of Advanced Practice. 

Through our comprehensive MI Academy Motivational Interviewing Certificate of Advanced Practice (CAP), you will get tons of live experiential practice with MI trainers.

  • MI Academy Certificate of Advanced Practice in Motivational Interviewing provides over 40 hours total Continuing Education hours through Level 1, 2, and 3 MI classes 
  • Participants have 1 year to complete all coursework within MI Academy to earn your Certificate of Advanced MI Practice 
  • NAADAC approved Continuing Education
  • MI Center for Change is also an approved NBCC provider (ACEP #7223)

What you get

  • Four 1:1 coaching sessions with MINT member trainers
  • Unlimited individualized coaching feedback on your sessions via the HIPPA-compliant Lyssn Artificial Intelligence software 
  • 6 hours self-paced modules via Level 1 Foundations course
  • 30 hours live virtual MI training with MINT member trainers via Level 1, 2 & 3 courses
  • Access to 8 hours of self-paced training in Brief Action Planning (BAP), a fantastic ‘add on’ to MI to support the planning process.BAP is offered in collaboration with the BAP Professional Network 
  • 5 hours additional self-paced specialty courses including burnout prevention, MI & Veterans, MI & Ethics, and more.
  • Nearly 50 hours of Continuing Education total!

Upon completion of all 3 levels of MI Academy, passing quiz scores, and demonstrating skills through coded MI sample recordings, you receive a Certificate of Advanced MI Practice.

So, rather than being certified in Motivational Interviewing, participants will complete this program with a Certificate of Advanced Practice.

Why isn’t there a certification Motivational Interviewing? I’m actually on a committee within the Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers (MINT) that is creating a certification in Motivational Interviewing, but it is years away from launching. Important questions have to be addressed first …what does it mean to be certified in Motivational Interviewing? How do you measure competency? Plus, how long does certification last for? We all know we can stray from skills over time. 

If you are interested in an intensive MI learning program, we have created one! Join our first CAP cohort at 30% discount now!

Read more about this program here.

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Let’s Learn Together!

Hi, I’m Hillary Bolter. At MI Center for Change, Motivational Interviewing is our passion. Motivational Interviewing will help you become more effective and efficient as you support clients’ change!

(828) 279-4985