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I recently had the pleasure of being featured on the Abundance Practice podcast on the topic of using Motivational Interviewing to motivate yourSELF. I had such a great conversation with Allison Puryear. You can listen here

Motivational Interviewing has been around for nearly 40 years (wait, what?! Yes! Fun fact: The first paper on MI was published in 1982!). MI has branched out from the substance abuse field to just about any other facet you can imagine that has to do with change. There are even resources out there on using MI in conservation, systems, and social justice. 

So why not consider the benefits of using MI with yourself?

What changes are you in need of making? What are one or two things you could do differently that would be helpful to you? 

Why aren’t you doing it?

Because change is hard.

Change isn’t simple. The saying “Knowing is half the battle” is just not true. We can know, and know and know and know and know but get awfully stuck taking steps forward. (And what an opportunity to tap into empathy for the stuckness of those we help!)

So, HOW can we apply some of the elements of MI with ourselves?

I guess you’ll have to listen to the podcast! 😉 Or, check out my recent blog post or YouTube video on the topic.
If you get motivated you’d like to write out a change plan for yourself, I created one for ya! (Or use with clients!)

Motivational Interviewing Tip: Can I be gentle with myself around a change I’ve been wanting or needing to make? Can I also consider what it might take for me to get one step closer to that change?

Hillary Bolter, MSW, LCSW, LCAS
Member, Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers

P.S. I also have a free private Facebook group where I post regular tips and resources. I invite you to join! You can follow me on Instagram or YouTube as well!