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I was recently chatting with someone about Motivational Interviewing as a way of being.

A way of being? I thought it was a skill set? An Evidence-Based Practice?

Motivational Interviewing is actually all of the above. MI is a way of being with someone, AND a way of talking with someone to evoke their intrinsic motivation for change. It just happens to be really, really effective (hence, the evidence-based practice bit).

The way of being means we enter the relationship with curiosity, acceptance, and positive regard.

It means our aim is to work in partnership with someone, to collaborate and draw forth their wisdom and expertise over imparting our own.

It IS a way of being in relationship with others.

Then, a set of skills gets added to this.

Here’s how I conceptualize it:

Like Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs where safety is the basis of all else, in Motivational Interviewing, the spirit is the basis of all else

The OARS skills (Open Ended Questions, Affirmations, Reflections & Summaries) are essentially the “microskills” of Motivational Interviewing. They are the tools that guide the conversation.

And at the tippy top of our Hierarchy of Motivational Interviewing is Change Talk. That’s what we are aiming for, as we approach work in the Spirit rowing with our OARS. Toward the Change. Evoking Change Talk. THEIR motivation for change. Their why. 

Bill Miller himself has called Motivational Interviewing a way of being. And it isn’t for the faint of heart. Practicing this way of being in a relationship takes constant course correction, to stay out of our Righting Reflex, away from persuading, imparting, directing. It ain’t easy to remain in the collaborative spirit!

Motivational Interviewing Tip: Consider your way of being as you approach those you work with. Those you live with. Those you care for. Can you take a pause to course correct around compassion, curiosity, evocation? 

Let me know how it goes!


Hillary Bolter, MSW, LCSW, LCAS

Member, Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers

P. S. I also have a free private Facebook group where I post regular tips and resources. I invite you to join! You can follow me on Instagram or YouTube as well!