Hey folks! This is third in a series of three on using Motivational Interviewing with yourSELF!
Click here for the blog links for one and two. So if you have a change that you are feeling stuck around, or really wishing you could get some traction changing, these are for YOU!
The topic for this third post is all about the evocation process with SELF: Connecting you to your WHY.
Why would this change be beneficial to you now? What will the positive outcomes be?
In the evocation process of MI, which is the third process of MI, we are really helping our clients connect to their WHY change. Instead of us convincing them of the importance of change, or trying to persuade change, we are asking evocative questions and reflecting change talk to connect them to THEIR motivation for change.
I made free handouts for you about this! It’s essentially a little journaling activity, a chance to dive deeper into YOUR why!
The evocation process of Motivational Interviewing is all about LISTENING & identifying Change Talk, Reflecting that Change Talk when we hear it, and utilizing methods for eliciting more change talk.
If you really dig this topic, I’m interviewed on a podcast about using MI with yourSELF!

And if you want to run with this MI for self stuff, MINT member Alan Zuckoff wrote a book about it titled “Finding your Way to Change.”
As always, I turn this into a weekly YouTube video if you’d prefer watch it! And EVERYTHING lives on my blog!