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Closing out 2022 and Ushering In 2023…Two secrets to share!

by | Dec 22, 2022 | Motivational Interviewing

What are some highlights of your 2022 year? 

What are you looking forward to in 2023?
2022 was a big year for me, with a thyroid cancer diagnosis in April, surgery, then treatment, and finally a clean scan LAST WEEK! I kicked cancer’s butt! (with the help of a great surgeon and treatment team at Duke). (That’s secret shared #1)

I’m excited about entering 2023 CANCER FREE.

It’s the best holiday gift I could ever receive. I am filled with such gratitude for my health, my family, my community, and my healthcare team. 

And, the MI Center for Change has had a big year!

We have been building an online library of ‘short courses’ in special MI topics, as well as running regular beginning, intermediate, and advanced live virtual MI classes. The whole cancer thing slowed me down a bit, but just wait for 2023! We are launching a comprehensive MI Certificate Program soon! (Secret #2)

Will you be a part of the first cohort? Maybe so!
We have also provided dozens of training programs to organizations this past year, from Child Welfare and peer support specialists here in NC, to those providing services in rural Alaska. Our lead trainer Chris Miles even got to fly to Anchorage to provide multi-day training to helping professionals! It was nice to offer in-person training again this year! And, live virtual training will now forever be a part of what we provide!
I invite you to reflect on your year.

What are you grateful for? What have you learned?
What are you ready to release?
My hope for you is that the end of 2022 brings you contentment, joy, and well-being.
You do important work. You do so much for so many.

Take good care of YOU over the holidays.


Watch my full video here!

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Let’s Learn Together!

Hi, I’m Hillary Bolter. At MI Center for Change, Motivational Interviewing is our passion. Motivational Interviewing will help you become more effective and efficient as you support clients’ change!

(828) 279-4985