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You’ve heard a lot from Hillary about MI, time to bring in the voices of the MINT trainers joining the Bolter Consulting team!

Hi! I’m Chris Miles, Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Member of the Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers (MINT). 

I think about behavior change a lot!

Most often as an MI trainer, but also in my work with cardiac patients through HCA Mission Health, a large medical system here in Asheville, NC. We use Lifestyle Medicine concepts to help patients see how making behavior changes can significantly improve their health and overall well-being. 

And sometimes it’s at home trying to figure out how to get my kids and husband to get with the program! 

In all of these settings, I keep one of the main MI beliefs at the forefront. It’s that each of us already has what we need to succeed

Each one of us has accomplished things in our lives. It may be big things, like getting a degree, raising a child, getting a job promotion. It may also be smaller things, like making dinner, getting to work on time, or mowing the lawn. 

What strengths, skills, or strategies did we use to accomplish those things? Maybe it was being organized or prepared, or visualizing success to keep on track. Maybe it was positive self-talk, or seeking support from others when help was needed, or breaking tasks into manageable parts. 

MI helps us identify these strengths, skills, and strategies and then applies them toward achieving new goals! 


By using the spirit of MI and the basic tools called OARS (Open-ended Questions, Affirmations, Reflections, & Summaries). We can use that spirit and those tools to help others gain self-awareness and insight, and name what they already have inside them in order to find success.

When this happens, it’s empowering, reinforcing, and greatly increases their likelihood for long-lasting change. And as a bonus, we get to feel great helping them do it!

Motivational Interviewing Tip of the Week: I encourage you to take a look inward and think more deeply about what tools for success you carry within you. Learning Motivational Interviewing itself is a choice in behavior change and you already have what it takes to do it!

Thanks for sharing this time with me,

Chris Miles, MSW, LCSW,

Member, Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers