Reading Time: 2 minutes

You need a BREAK. 

“Gimme a break, gimme a break, break me off a piece of that Kit Kat bar!” (Uh oh, if you know that jingle, you’ll be humming it the rest of the day!)

Goodness knows, we all NEED A BREAK. From the news, conversation, tension, time at home, kids…

I took a break from social media, news, freaking out about the economy, talking about COVID-19, working, & thinking about our future for a full day and a half. We got out for a hike deep in the woods, cleaned the house, cooked, and jumped on the trampoline. I started to feel normal again!  However, I found myself scrolling through Facebook while I ate my lunch on that second day, and by the end of my sandwich, I was having heart palpitations again.

Seriously folks, this is dire time for our mental health right now. I’m starting to post short videos on my Motivational Interviewing Facebook page with tips for staying sane right now (join now!). If you’d like me to speak to a topic, let me know!

But for this message, I promised to send more free tips in Motivational Interviewing, so here ya go!

There is little control you have right now besides YOU. Yes, you. What you do, what you eat, how you spend your time, how you talk to yourself or de-stress. LOTS of opportunities for shifting habits, large or small. 

So here’s a little review: Motivational Interviewing has 4 Processes. When we enter into an MI conversation, we first must Engage (you know, unconditional positive regard, curiosity, compassion…) Then, we can Focus (what is the topic we are choosing to build motivation for change around?) The third process is Evoking (drawing out that intrinsic motivation for change), and finally, Planning (making a specific change plan to accomplish that goal). 

You KNOW there are some things you can do for yourself right now. I invite you to take a few minutes and consider what they are. Join my email community for free Motivational Interviewing worksheets, including one called Choosing Change. This free Motivational Interviewing handout will help you brainstorm possible changes (I encourage self-care!), then move through to making a change plan around one thing. I will also send you a second worksheet targeting the second process of MI: Focusing. IT IS HARD TO FOCUS WHEN WE ARE FREAKING OUT. 

Using the Choosing Change worksheet will help you or your clients gain clarity on the next right thing to focus on, and create a solid change plan. (In my head, I’m singing the song to the new Frozen 2 movie, “Next Right Thing…” it’s a good one for these crazy times!) Also, it’s a great worksheet to do with a client who is overwhelmed and needs help focusing! Follow my Facebook Page or Group for tips for staying sane. Take care of YOU. It’s the best thing you can do for yourself and everyone around you.