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Here’s another tool for approaching “itchy topics” with clients using a tool from Motivational Interviewing. 

What’s an “itchy topic?” (Check out my first blog post on these here

An itchy topic is a hard-to-approach topic with clients! It kinda makes you or your client squirm like ya got an itch! 

This tool is called “bracketing.” It’s a way of asking a question, then offering a range of responses, to normalize any response the client may give. 

For example, perhaps we need to ask about someone’s alcohol use (sensitive topic for many).

“Some folks don’t drink at all, some have 1-2 drinks maybe with dinner, other folks may pick up a 6-pack or case of beer on their way home from work. I’m wondering what a typical drinking day looks like for you?”

In this way, we have normalized a range of responses. 

Here’s another example, “Some people, when they get upset with their partner, get quiet and shut down, while others talk it out. Some yell or name call, others may slam doors or throw things, and some people push or shove others when they get upset. When you and your partner fight, what does that look like?”

If you are gathering information around topics that your clients may be reticent to share information around, consider bracketing as a tool for gathering information. 

Motivational Interviewing Tip of the Week: How could you pose a question while offering a range of responses? If we approach our clients with an attitude of curiosity and non-judgement, and normalize a range of responses, we are more likely to get an honest answer!

Let me know how it goes! I’d love to hear what other ways you approach itchy topics with clients!