Welcome to 2022!!!
And what has changed exactly?
Today is just another day.
Another Tuesday. Another month.
Another New Year in a pandemic.
Another strain of COVID.
Another year wondering if you’ll have the energy to pull it all together for yourself, your family, your clients.
I don’t mean to start us off bleak here, but I can’t ignore the continuation of high intensity hard stuff that is happening!
So don’t add on a New Years’ resolution!
Now check in with yourself… Did hearing that feel like a relief, or did something inside of you argue with it and say “but I want to change”?
If Option A happened (relief, thank goodness you don’t need to tackle some new thing right now), then let that be! All the pressure to be continually striving and changing can be too much. You don’t have to change right now.
I am weaving a bit of MI into this post today. It can be helpful to honor autonomy NOT TO CHANGE as much as your desire TO CHANGE. Our human brains like to remember we have choice, we’re not trapped, WE DON’T HAVE TO do it. Sometimes, just honoring that ability to choose helps free us up for change.
If Option B happened, and you felt that stiffening and increased resolve to change, then read on.
You want change! But setting a New Year’s Resolution may not be the best path to get there.
Only 8-10% of people who set New Year’s Resolutions actually accomplish them. (And yay for you if you are those 1 in 10! Sometimes that kind of thing works!).
I have some free activities for you if you want to flesh out a plan around a desired change for yourself. You can check them out here! Let me know what you think! (And you can use them with clients too!)
Here is the link to the YouTube playlist with videos that accompany these handouts!
Motivational Interviewing Tip of the Week: Remember autonomy in choice! Choosing not to change can release us from pressure that is mucking up the process. If you choose change, consider how to create an effective change plan. Creating unattainable goals perpetuates the cycle of failure and can prevent us from future attempts at change.
P.S. Stay tuned for a HUGE announcement coming next week about my business! I can not wait to share with YOU!